Monday 3 September 2012

The Hunt Begins!

I am 100% Canadian who is currently living in the UK! I love Maple Syrup and Ice fishing, my national animal is the beaver and I live in an igloo when I am back in Canada, I may not say eh enough but my family says it enough for me so I think its ok!

I finally decided that I needed to start a blog.  I seem to have a lot of amazing adventures that I really want to share with my I figured what better way to do it then blogging...I'm not sure many people will read but at least it will provide me with some great entertainment and a place that I can look back and see all the fun and stupid things I have done in my life!

I also have a tendency to find some really random things funny, just my strange, Canadian, sense of humor but this is the place I get to share it with everyone...and hopefully you will find it entertaining!

As for the title of my Blog 'Where Did all the Maple Syrup Go?' my friend recently posted on FB this article:

At first I laughed, but then I got thinking...what would anyone do with 3.4 million liters of Maple Syrup!  Maple syrup party with maple syrup wrestling (instead of wasting all that mud), maybe they have invented a new car that runs on Maple Syrup?  Probably not the best idea, may cause some sticky situations!  All I know is I need to plan a trip back to Canada to stock up on some Maple Syrup before it runs out!

On that note the hunt begins...first suspect...the Americans!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yea! Blame the Americans...they don't really like real maple syrup at all; in fact, they make syrup from sugar, water, and maple flavouring! I can't wait to read more about your adventures!
