Monday 24 September 2012

Burn O' Vat!

Currently living in Scotland working 2 weeks on 2 weeks off I have plenty of time off to travel and pretty much do anything I want. My next big adventure is a trip to Tanzania the end of October to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, go on a safari, and relax at Zanzibar.  As part of my preparation I am trying to get out on a few hikes in Scotland, which also allows me to see more of the beautiful country.  These last days off I managed to go on a hike to Burn O' Vat.

Of course knowing me these hikes are never without adventure...before we headed out I wanted to print off the directions (I have never been on a hike in Scotland where I have not managed to get lost), my friend I was going with tried to tell me that we didn't need directions, there are plenty of signs....well...within the first 5 min we went the wrong way...but in doing so we did end up at this amazing view overlooking a lake!

The group, at the lookout...with our new pup!

Once we finally got out bearings and realized where the wrong turn was made (note wrong turn made by following signs), we had to walk back pretty much all the way to the start...but it was definitely worth it...we ended up in the Vat!  Basically climb into through these rocks and it opens up into this huge vat like structure with a little water fall on the one end...these pictures don't do it justice but you can get an idea 
The vat...straight ahead is where we climbed in!
Water Fall!

Next, me with my amazing coordination decided I wanted to climb up the waterfall to see what was up there...and so happy I did...

Top of the water fall!
 The actual hardest part was going down...took me twice as long as going up...thankfully no casualties or broken bones!

Finally after missing yet another sign (yes very well marked), and having to ask for directions we made it back to our car (a couple hours after we should have) and headed to the nearest town for some much needed food!

In Banchory, enjoying our Subway!

In the end we may have missed a turn or two, but we got to see part of beautiful Scotland, and for all you people who are constantly complaining about Aberdeen and how grey it is, try and get out and see some of the country while you are here, it is beautiful and not something you would want to miss!

~Live life, don't let life live you!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Your writing is clear and interesting. Keep on blogging!
